Posted on 9/28/2023

Today's focus will be on an incredibly important subject concerning our little passengers' safety - car seat laws. Prepare your seats and buckles as we take you through the essentials of the regulations specific to the state of Maryland and provide you with some invaluable tips to ensure your child's safety on the road. Understanding Maryland Car Seat Laws Maryland, like many other states, has specific laws in place to protect children while traveling in vehicles. These laws are designed to reduce the risk of injury and ensure that children are properly restrained based on their age, weight, and height. Here's a breakdown of the key components of the laws: Rear-Facing Seats Infants and toddlers under the age of 2 or weighing less than 30 pounds must be placed in a rear-facing car seat. This position provides crucial support for their developing neck and spine. Forward-Facing Seats Once a child reaches the ag ... read more